Friday, November 11, 2011

Puppy Preparation

Long time, no blog right? I know, I know..So did I every tell you I got a puppy? Well I did! Actually we {h and I} did! {Sometimes I forget we are a "we." Does that make sense? I think so.} Our first large {actually rather small} purchase together. It was pretty exciting! We were both ecstatic at the prospect of having a puppy!

It was no secret that we both wanted a puppy! I mean really, really, really badly for a really, really, really long time! {Seriously? That many reallys? Yes, seriously.}  We wanted one so badly we could practically taste it.  However, we were not actually financially stable or have schedules that could adapt to a tiny puppy bladder.  You wouldn't know those small tidbits of information though if you talked to h. 

You see, I am the more realistic, practical, sensible, down-to-earth, levelheaded, rational one {when it comes to responsibilities not when it comes to thinking on your feet}.  Not that h doesn't have all of those characteristics, mine are just more prominent.  h is more of a cute, carefree, German guy who sings {and whistles} all the time.  "Lets get a puppy. La la la, in a one bedroom apartment we can barely move in." {Did you get my P.S. I love you reference? If not you should watch it...and again and again! Gets me every time! At least watch this clip.}

P.S. h I love you.
We compliment each other really well.  If it wasn't for him I would be a stressed out, neurotic mess and if it wasn't for me he would be living in the woods next to a river in Washington inside a trailer made out of straw.  He would most likely look like this: 

 {Yes, I am serious and he might still prefer it that way.}

We are quite the dynamic duo, if you ask me (and of course you won't).  Speaking of I am dying to read this.   
We should all read it.  I bet it is wonderful just like her.

Come back to find out how h talked me into getting a puppy!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

hello world

The Midwest is where I call home.  I am from a place where everyone knows everything about me from the time I was a kindergartener until now.  I am recently relocated, but I was born and raised in Small Town, USA.  I am inspired by all things in life, big or small. I enjoy going home to my small town and love almost everything about it, minus a few details of everyone naturally in one another’s business.  I come from humble beginnings and love everything about sitting around the kitchen table talking and laughing.  I am the loudest laugher and my favorite partner in crime is my mother.  We will wake the household and entire neighborhood, for that matter, laughing at three o’clock in the morning because our laugh is so contagious to one another.   I love fireflies, late nights with my family, and my grandmother’s cooking.  Those are the kind of things that I live for. 
  I enjoy finding new ways to express myself.  I like to appreciate the little things in life.   I started to get too busy and realized I needed to slow down and not take myself so seriously.  So, that is exactly what I am going to do! I want to take pleasure in the little things again.  I want to find all things in life that are simply beautiful.  I am going to start right now!
         Above is my fiance and I, doing what we do best!  